jueves, 20 de junio de 2013

hello classmates, well... I like a lot watching movies, but I don´t really have a favorite one, so I will introduce you one of my favorites short-films. It´s call "everything will be ok" by Don Hertzfeld.
By a first view it looks like a very simple animation, and it really is, but it don´t matter ´cause the message is very clear and it´s very choking to me because it shows annoying things, that I just thought I realized. Thing that happen everyday in our lifes, and shows the trully incomunitaction that we have with our enviroment, and the mechanization in our lifes.
This short-film made me mad, and a little sad but I really like it

I left the short film here if someone would like to saw it, it´s subtitulated in spanish


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